Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Petition of Campus Road Community Garden Against Brooklyn College

October 5th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Petition of Campus Road Community Garden Against Brooklyn College


The website that the document is hosted on may not seem reputable at first. Nevertheless, this was an actual link from the New York Times and the petition itself if valuable evidence of struggles over sustainability in the Brooklyn College campus. The petition itself is written by the workers of the community garden against the garden’s demolition by landscapers. As such, it holds a clearly biased point of view and this must be taken into account (and the view of the other side must be found). Nevertheless, the source attempts to put its arguments forth in coherent order with their views backed by sources. The Community Garden or its lack affect the social, environmental and to a lesser extent economic sustainability in Brooklyn College and the neighborhood as a whole.

The petition is particularly in important in naming the participants of the legal struggle, with, of course, fairly large biographies of the petitioners. These people may be contacted in the future. It also includes the petitioner’s version of events and their reasoning for keeping the park, which is divided into four counts, the most important of which are (for the purpose of this project) “Impact on Open Space and Recreation” and “Parking Issues.”

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One Comment so far ↓

  • tlewis

    Interesting document. I don’t believe, however, that they were petitioning landscapers (were they?). I believe they were petitioning CUNY/BC. How might this be integrated into the PodWalk? The garden will be an interesting stop.

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