Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Brooklyn Bridge Park Expected to Announce Developers of a New Hotel Complex.

October 6th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn Bridge Park

Foderaro, Lisa W. “Brooklyn Bridge Park Expected to Announce Developers of a New Hotel Complex.” New York Times 15 June 2012: 1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Oct. 2012.

Foderaro, is a writer for the New York Times. In this article she reports the recent developments of a hotel complex that will be built next to Pier 1 of the Brooklyn Bridge Park. Construction of the new hotel complex is supposed to start next summer and will end around 2015. There are also plans for 3 more apartment buildings and another hotel to be built near the park. The new hotel will meet the height requirements for the park and is supposed to feature roofs with green technology. I think this article provides an interesting view on how the public views the Brooklyn Bridge Park. With all these new projects, the real estate value in the area will rise and it seems that investors are pinning on the park to be a main attraction after all it’s development is done.

It seems that she supports the construction of this new hotel complex. In the article she states that the new hotel complex is crucial to the city’s vision on how to maintain the park. She sees this project as a good thing. Her goal is just to let the public know that it’s happening. I think this article could have been more detailed. It does a good job of simply telling us what is happening and general idea of what they plan to do and have in the hotel but it doesn’t really tell us anything else. Like how does this relate to the park? In what ways will these hotels and apartment buildings affect the park? Will all the construction not be good for the area? What these green technologies that they talk about? It would have also been better if she had interviewed some people in the neighborhood to get their opinions on whether they like the idea of there being a new hotel in the neighborhood and how they think this will affect their community. Yes this article relates our project. I think it’s an example of how the three pillars affect each other. This new hotel complex can lead to more people staying in the area and then maybe more people will fund the park to keep it nice so those that visit the area can enjoy it’s scenery.

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