Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Born in Hope and Controversy The Challenges of Infusing Sustainability in the Campus Operations and Curriculum at Florida Gulf Coast University

October 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Wohlpart , A. James , Joseph Shepard , and Peter Blaze Corcoran . “Born in Hope and Controversy The Challenges of Infusing Sustainability in the Campus Operations and Curriculum at Florida Gulf Coast University.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. 3.213 (2009 ): n. page. Print.

The authors of this article are A. James Wohlpart, Joseph Shepard and Peter Blaze Corcoran. A. James Wohlpart is a professor and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida Gulf Coast University. Joseph Shepard is the vice president of administrative services and finance at Florida Gulf Coast University. Peter Blaze Corcoran is a professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida Gulf Coast University. The thesis of this article mentions that although it is good for the concept of sustainability to be built into the foundation of Florida Gulf Coast University, that there are some problems with that method, since the concept of sustainability is not always upheld like it should be. The authors intended audience include those who have faith in the foundations of a sustainable campus.

The article, although mentioning the challenges of sustainability, is pro-sustainability. The strengths of the article is that it tells the advantages and disadvantages told from having a campus that is committed to the maintenance of sustainability. The weaknesses of the article includes that it does not have any data in the form of graphs or charts, that it does not really mention the two other pillars of sustainability such as economic and social sustainability and that it does not really mention methods of how to make Florida Gulf Coast University more sustainable. This material could be used in my project as a way to explain that although incorporating an agenda with a strong focus on sustainability is a wonderful idea and definitely the right option, that the path to sustainability will not always be smooth.

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One Comment so far ↓

  • tlewis

    Seems like there are lots of reports for individual schools, but not so many articles that compare different schools using data-based assessments.

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