Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Developing a Whole-of-University Approach to Educating for Sustainability Linking Curriculum, Research and Sustainable Campus Operations

October 12th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Brooklyn College

McMillin , Jennifer , and Rob Dyball . “Developing a Whole-of-University Approach to Educating for Sustainability Linking Curriculum, Research and Sustainable Campus Operations.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. 3.55 (2009 ): n. page. Print.

The authors of this article are Jennifer McMillin and Rob Dyball. Jennifer McMillin is a Research Fellow in Integrating Sustainability at the Fenner School for Environment and Society at the College of Science at Australian National University. Robert Dyball is a lecturer and convenor of the Human Ecology Programme at the Fenner School for Environment and Society at Australian National University. This article’s thesis reflects on teaching, learning and operational benefits stemming from student involvement in campus sustainability initiatives at the Australian National University. The whole-of-university approach to sustainability is Australian National University’s plan in educating students at the university about campus sustainability. Three integrating factors include a focus on sustainability in the university’s curriculum, the campus operations and the university’s research faculty. By combining a focus on sustainability in the university’s curriculum, the campus operations and the university’s research faculty, the university benefits from sharing knowledge not only between students and professors, but between students themselves, which influences the students’ knowledge about campus sustainability. The whole-of-university approach to campus sustainability is the focus of the article. The role that institutions of higher education play in sustainability is important, which is why the intended audience of this article also includes the faculty from Australian National University.

The article has a pro-sustainability bias. The strength of the article is that it focuses on the way universities teach about sustainability, placing an importance on instructing students of the university on campus sustainability. The weaknesses of the article include little emphasis on the pillars of sustainability and limited data from graphs and charts to illustrate Australia National University’s Sustainability Plan. This article is relevant to my project since it illustrates ways in which Brooklyn College could develop an agenda that focuses more on campus sustainability.

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • Victoria Tang

    I am confused about what the “Whole-of-University” Approach is. You should check over your grammar. The second half of the first paragraph is confusing. Also, when list the focuses of the article, it is very vague. According to this article, what is the role institutions of higher education play in sustainability? What is the relationship between campus sustainability and campus operations, the curriculum and research? This article sounds very relevant, but in order for us to get a sense of what the it is about, your annotation needs to be more specific.

    • Jackie

      Thank you for the questions that you posted. I understood that I have not provided enough information about the university plan, making it too vague. I have made the appropriate modifications to my annotation to account for them.

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