Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Toward a Sustainable Campus: Comparison of the Physical Development Planning of Research University Campuses in Malaysia

October 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Razak, Mohd Zulhanif Abd, Nur Akmal Goh Abdullah , Muhammad Farihan Irfan Mohd Nor, Ismar M.S. Usman, and Adi Irfan Che-Ani.  “Toward a Sustainable Campus: Comparison of the Physical Development Planning of Research University Campuses in Malaysia .” Journal of Sustainable Development. 4.4 (2011): n. page. Print..” Journal of Sustainable Development. 4.4 (2011): n. page. Print.

All of the authors in this article are in the Department of Architecture in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. This article focuses on physical development planning as a way to shape the living environment of college campuses. The intended audience would be architects, particularly the architects of college campuses.

The article has a pro-sustainability bias. The strength of this article is that unlike the other articles that I read, it focuses on the way that campuses are built, which affects how sustainable college campuses are. The weaknesses of the article include the fact that the three pillars of sustainability are not really mentioned and that although this article focuses a lot on architecture, which is a visually oriented field, no images are depicted of the  four campuses that the authors compare and contrast. This article is relevant in terms of my project and I envision using this material as a way to look at Brooklyn College’s architectural landscape to determine which parts of the campuses are or are not sustainable and how the unsustainable parts of the campus can become more sustainable.

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