Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Brooklyn College Environmental Studies Program

October 14th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized,,,, and the brochure is important as well.

The actual websites of the program is a useful source of information. It tells us of the existence of such a program in general, who heads it and what the general scope of the field is. It has details of what facilities are available to students, where there exist field trips and what the capabilities of the college are. For example, the Environmental Sciences Analytical Center can be used to measure parts per billion and parts per trillion of samples and can be used for toxic substances such as arsenic. It may be worth our while to make a stop at or near Ingersoll and point out that much of the studying on the topic is done in that building.

These sources also tell us a lot about how the faculty involved in the program and probably the major group that is involved in sustainability positions itself. The brochure, for example, focuses not only on the usual question of “global environment crisis” but it also quotes the Bureau of Labor Statistics and shows that there are more in more jobs in the field. Thus, it can be argued that the program directly posits as distinct from more radical green ideology of things such as democracy in the workplace and other leftist ideas. I am not sure how this information is pertinent to the podcast itself, but it is certainly useful in terms of understanding the workings of the college.

The sources also indirectly highlight some of problems of that the studies program. There are many not too well interconnected sites that are not always coded well to put it lightly. It is not always easy to discern who teaches what and who is the head of the program.


One Comment so far ↓

  • tlewis

    I like the idea of having a PodWalk stop to discuss the research going on around campus. Be sure to note that the analysis of samples are of SOIL. I’m not exactly sure what you mean in the last paragraph, but I am very interested to find out so that these issues can be corrected!

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