Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

What Is BC Doing?: 7 Pillar Areas

October 19th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Brooklyn College

Unknown. “What Is BC Doing?: 7 Pillar Areas.” Brooklyn College Web Site. City Univeristy of New York, 2012. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.



The author of this webpage is not listed, but we can assume that since this is from the official Brooklyn College page, is it someone that the University has deemed qualified to discuss the ways in which Brooklyn College will attempt to become more sustainable. The page addresses all three pillars of sustainability and the plans the college has for implementing them. This page provides many options and paths to create a more sustainable campus, which is its strength. However, much like a nominee for political office, the author does not provide any real methods for achieving these changes.

The article is not biased for Brooklyn College, as it lists many of the faults in this campus. However, its impossible to think that the page is completely impartial as its describing ways to improve Brooklyn College by someone in the faculty itself. The website is the official website of Brooklyn College and is therefore the most reliable and trustworthy source for information in Brooklyn College. This page is a goldmine of information and will be useful in demonstrating some of the flaws in Brooklyn College’s current campus sustainability and how it can and will supposedly be improved.

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • tlewis

    I appreciate your humor! What specific pieces will you include in the PodWalk?

  • Yaasen Bhutta

    Definitely want to mention the entire recycling plan when the podwalk goes through Boylan, considering the cafeteria and the massive amount of trash that accumulates there. We can go into more detail of BC’s plan to fix that, which includes making compost for the community garden.

    Also mention BC’s desire to purchase electric cars (must investigate further on that) and adding bike racks when we pass by the bike rack on the podwalk

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