Dr. Sandra George O’Neil is a professor of sociology and criminal justice. Her thesis in this article is that superfund sites disproportionately benefit affluent areas over impoverished ones. The author’s intended audience is the scientifically- or politically- driven individual of higher education. The author has bias against the relevant legislation, concluding that since Clinton’s Executive Order 12898- an attempt to bring more projects to poorer areas- the frequency of EPA superfund projects in poor regions has decreased even further. The article is strong in the quality of information provided about who manages to get superfund status. It addresses social sustainability by comparing majority/upper-income to minority/lower-income funding. The material in the article is relevant in providing background information about superfund sites.
O’Neil, Sandra George. “Superfund: Evaluating The Impact Of Executive Order 12898.” Environmental Health Perspectives 115.7 (2007): 1087-1093. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Oct. 2012.
It isn’t clear why you call this biased. Is the author against the legislation or is the author using data to show that the legislation is not meeting its goals? Glad to see you using the tags.