Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Path of Environmental and Economic Reclamation: The Case of Post-Mining Brownfields

October 19th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gowanus Canal

The author of this paper is Robert Krzysztofik, an economic geographer and professor at the University of Silesia in Poland. Although he is not a professor that is based in America, the problem of Brownfields is worldwide. His thesis is that the only way to deal with brownfields is to either repair it environmentally or to convert it economically. He starts out by saying that brownfields, if not cleaned up, can turn into blackfields. The only way to repair the damage of brownfields is to either clean it up (natural reclamation) or to turn it into a land investment. His intended audience is probably either a business owner or someone who is for saving the environment.

Since Krzysztofik is advocating for brownfields to be cleaned up, he is slightly biased towards his point of view. In regards to the strength and weaknesses of this source, its strength lies within its graphs as it provides a lot of data for brownfields, which have become many centers of economic activity. The weakness on the other hand is that the data mostly comes from them and they fail to mention that certain brownfields cost more money to clean than to change into an area of economic growth. The source covers the economic and environmental pillars of sustainability, but it fails to address social sustainability. Although there is a small section on brownfield housing areas, it doesn’t discuss who gets to live there and what will be done with it in the long run. The paper supports my thesis because it helps reconfirm that brownfields must be taken care of and the only way to have a viable impact is to both repair it and let nature take it over, or change it into a center of economic growth like a store or manufacturing plant.

Krzysztofik, Robert, Jerzy Runge, and Iwona Kantor-Pietraga. “Paths Of Environmental And Economic Reclamation: The Case Of Post-Mining Brownfields.” Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies 21.1 (2012): 219-223. Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Oct. 2012.


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