Ellis, William. “In Gowanus’ Batcave, Broken Teenage Dreams Live On.” AbandonedNYC. n.p., 6 Oct. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.
The author William Ellis, though his article is only a personal blog post, has credibility because he actually went to and explored the site he writes about, with photos to prove it. He blogs about a variety of sites in New York City that have been “abandoned”. He is currently employed by the Children Museum of the Arts in Manhattan. I chose this article because I think the “Batcave” should be one of the points of interest on our Gowanus tour. The article combines brief history of the site with colorful information about its use as a homeless colony – until 2006 when residents made sure squatters were no longer allowed due to the increase of violent activity. I think it is useful first because of the way the information is presented – the more personal and poetic way Ellis writes could be a good thing to inject into our podwalk script, besides being informative we want to keep the people listening entertained and interested, so they continue to listen. Also the article is in line with one of our goals – showing what happens to these industrial sites when no one else wants them or wants to deal with them. The Bat cave has an interesting history as a homeless colony which could be good for the Social aspect of our project.
This is a really interesting source Rachel! You did a good job or researching the author.
I like your emphasis here and in an earlier post on keeping the PodWalk both educational and engaging.