Question on the Reading

Were the bow and arrow or different farming advancements a result of a need for more food based on an increasing population, or was the resulting increase in population an outcome enabled by the technology? (It article implies that if they really required more food, then men could have been more active food acquirers and that the ecosystem was plentiful, but also there are only so many people that can be sustained without such technologies.)

This leads to a very general approach to the question: When a population acquires a new advancement in the ability to eat new foods, is it this advancement that helps to progress their development, or is it their development that requires them to discover new food habits/ food- acquiring technology so that they may sustain their new growth?

Is there a pattern to such developments/ has this pattern changed over time?

Note: It seems to me that now western culture mostly develops new food-technology due to desire, not requirement.

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