Questions on Market Readings

When reading about these push carts and the peddlers, I kept thinking of the halal carts, like the ones we have right outside of our college. Although they’re not such a problem here, they can be a problem in a place like the East Village, which is very close to the lower east side. In fact, here’s an article about how people in East Village don’t like the then newly arrived Halal cart - To sum up their complaints, the cart smells bad, makes noise both by attracting people and with its generator, is dirty, can cause people to crowd up the block, and because of all of this, devalues the homes. The readings talked about how officials wanted to get rid of the pushcarts because they crowded and noise-polluted the streets, made the area look more ethnic then they wanted, and took business away from merchants. Today we have halal carts, waffle trucks, roasted peanut stands, etc. I know that these people have to get permission from the government, but under what conditions do you think the government would be justified in getting rid of these carts and trucks? In other words, in what cases and under what circumstances are these entities hurting the neighborhood as opposed to helping it?

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