Apr 24

I’ve been meaning to make a day-trip out to the Guggenheim museum for a while now. Given the vacation days (and my oft-professed love of all things Manhattan) my parents and I made our way to the beautiful building. We didn’t know what to expect in the way of what type of art would be on exhibit, but we knew the building architechture is art in itself and sure to be amazing. We were not at all disappointing.

First, the art pieces of the permanent collection themselves were beautiful paintings by famous artists, like Picasso, Chegal, Cezzane, Van Gogh, my favorite– Kandintsky and many more. But even more impressive was the fact that the visitors became the art. Because of the rotating design of the gallery and the striking ceiling, people were constantly looking inward, into the building, with their backs against the ‘real art.’ In my opinion, the main attraction isn’t AT the museum, it IS the museum.
People were constantly taking pictures of the building, both from inside and outside and marveling at the clever and expansive design.




Of course, we had to have wonderful snack at the end of a wonderful trip!

My AUSome Trip