Jan 31

I made a friend…on the INTERNET!

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I made a friend!
If you’d have asked me what was the least likely of all places for me to make a friend, I’d give youtube as my answer. But I did!
After being a slow and hardly-steady stream of videos I’d post on my channel on youtube, AnHourInAMinuteLG, I finally decided to be proactive about my youtube destiny. I could not just sit and twiddle my toes, waiting for some wonderful nerdfighter to come along and connect with my videos. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for youtube fame, far from it! In fact, I made the videos for myself first, my family and friends second. If someone else happens upon them and enjoys them, all the better, but I am not out to grow a following of any kind.
Despite this, after watching so many youtube gatherings that other nerdfighters attended, and random sighting of the all-famous John and Hank Green, I was discouraged. How could I be a ‘real’ nerdfighter without actually knowing any other nerdfighters? I felt that there must be a way to connect to nerdfightaria through the actual nerdfightaria, which I consider to be a global, cross-generational mindset, rather than an actual place or event. I don’t have to go to a youtube gathering to assert my ‘nerdfighterness.’
So I searched for the two tags I most wanted to be associated with: Melbourne and Nerdfighter. (Melbourne since I’ll be studying there in a few months for a semester abroad. No need to explain about nerdfighter!) I came across the channel of a lovely young lady who put herself, her likes and dislikes, her nerdy randomness on youtube for others such as myself to discover and appreciate. I messaged her through the wondrous video sharing site we all know and love called youtube.com, and wrote to her about my upcoming trip to Melbourne. I asked her what were cool things to do in Melbourne, what’s the weather like, if she knows about the university I’ll be attending etc. I didn’t think she’d answer me at all, but to my utter surprise, a day later, there was a number in parenthesis near the word inbox. The number was 1. This may seem like nothing, but to any real youtuber would know this, (1), meant I had received a message. Opening it, I read the sweetest most heartfelt and detailed direct message I’d ever received- from a complete stranger!!!
This my friends is the power of youtube, and nerdfightaria. I had made a friend on youtube. We continued chatting back and forth for a few days and I feel like I am already there.
Following this I watched a series of videos about the recent gathering in Melbourne. Frezned was there and other amazing Australian nerdfighters were all getting together in Federation Square. And I got to watch from the sidelines, wishing I were already in Melbourne, and getting to meet these lovely Melbournites in all their nerdfighterly awesome action. But I got to see this amazing nerdfighter’s point of view of the event and I practially feel like I was there.
Thanks for always being awesome,
P.S. You Melbouneites are so lucky for the weather you got there, especially on gathering day!
P.P.S. Anyone reading this who does not know what a nerdfighter is, you might as well not know what youtube is! No, I’m just kidding. Check out the vlogbrothers on youtube.

Jan 03

End the year with a blast of WINTER!

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The last week of 2010 was a snowy one, with a snowstorm that resulted in nearly two feet of snow. To some, the snow is a lousy nuisance, and to some it is joy in its whitest form. It’s all in how you look at things.
Stay warm,

Dec 22

mazal tov

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Oddly, people are actually starting to watch my videos. Having feedback is a little disconcerting because now I feel like I have to up my game!
My brother got engaged this week, and this is the videographic representation of said event. Hope you enjoy, LG.

Dec 07

My dream is coming true!!!

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“We are the dreamers of dreams, and we are the makers of music” ~ Willy Wonka.

Hey, so I hope you like this “mural” that I painted on my wall. It has always been one of my favorite quotes about taking your life into your own hands and dreaming up your own dreams. I feel like my dream is coming true and that sooner that I know it, I’ll be in Australia!!!
Can’t wait,

Nov 30

‘Met’ in Manhattan

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Seems to me that planning to study abroad has led me to seriously consider studying domestically (see previous post about this concept). I want to take advantage of everything New York has to offer, as if I were a real tourist/exchange student. In other news, my spin-jump is broken. Enjoy, Lilach

Nov 26

Happy Thanksgiving, from abroad.

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Well, actually, I am not abroad (yet!), but for my sister who is living in a different country, I am abroad to her. So, for our thanksgiving dinner, which we ate at her in-laws’ house, I made a video/greeting card for her, while vlogging about the merriment. http://www.youtube.com/user/AnHourInAMinuteLG

Nov 25

Dogs and Leaves!…And Dentists.

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An Hour in a Minute Continues. Enjoy.

Nov 11

Spin-jump to Australia

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It’s actually happening!!! Every day I am getting closer and closer to my Aus-um adventure. I am making all these mini-movies of life here so that making movies in Australia! will come more naturally. And I am gaining more movie editing skills, and having lots of fun. Enjoy! LG.

Nov 09

Loungin’ Around

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Of course I spend all my time wisely and productively…except when I am lounging around. Check out my latest lounging moments.

Nov 01

A Fanatic Phonetic!

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As part of my Speech & Hearing major, I am currently taking the best class ever, called phonetics. I am officially obsessed with the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) that has special symbols for each speech sound in a language. It just makes such perfect sense that words should be written as they sound, and not confusingly with differnt letters making same sounds, like /ph/ and /f/. The example I love to explain phonetics with is using the words 1.weigh and 2.way: How english is so silly that you could have the sound “ay” spelled so many different ways and then you spend half your life learning spelling. So I am now an obsessive fan of this IPA and am writng whole sentenses in phonetics just for fun!!! My brother calls me a “fanatic phonetic,” and I am proud of that title!

Oct 15

Studying Domestically?

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Studying abroad has been on my mind, as you all can see. This incredible need to go and explore other parts of the world has got me thinking. It dawned on me that students from all over the world are at this time feeling the same. They too want to leave the place they are and go to places unknown. The only difference is some are fretting about studying abroad HERE, in New York. To them, I live in a dream of city, a global destination, a culturally iconic place. And all I have to do is catch the 2 train and 40 minutes later, I’m in Times Square. So after this realization dawned upon me, I just felt like a tourist in my own city and did just that.

On our way to the Macaulay Building, my friend and I decided to get off at 42nd St. and walk the rest of the way up to W 67th. As we walked through Times Square, marveling at all the tall skyscrapers along Broadway, I turned to my friend and said, “Isn’t it amazing! We’re in New York.” The funny look I received didn’t deflate my feelings. How fortunate I am to live in New York City! I have reached the destination. Maybe it’s not specifically my destination but it is for thousands of others each day, like the ones I saw snapping pictures while speaking in foreign languages all around me.

Along our walk in the slight drizzle, we passed by Columbus Circle and went to my favorite museum MAD (Museum of Art and Design), using our cultural passports to get in for free. There were some intriguing pieces that held out attention and we nearly lost track of time, but we left and walked the remainder of the way to Macaulay 67 and enjoyed the ‘Meet the Scientist’ Event.

Oct 11

An Hour In A Minute

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AnHourInAMinute is my new idea for mini vids of what I do, for when I will be in Australia. I figured I should make one for practice and practice my video-editing skills.
Find it on Youtube, or just watch it here.

Oct 02


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Fountain causes me to think.

A fountain.
It almost looks like dancing the way they synchronize the jet streams. Pretty amazing. I love thinking about who thinks about the way things around you are. Who sits there at their 9-5 job designing the path the water will go? And how much water will pass through the pipes? And the fluctuation throughout the day. It would be interesting to find out if the fountain had a “peak period” of the day when it was making more elaborate functions than during other hours.

Also, fountains make for great metaphors. “Fountain of Youth” or “Fountain of Knowledge.” The idea of rising above the gravity that governs the world. Of course that is for natural springs which are way cooler and also don’t cost any electricity.

Sep 14

Dreams to Australia

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As of forever, I have wanted to go to Australia. Being in Macaulay is opening up ways in which I can achieve this long-time aspiration. Currently, it is still in the “dream phase,” as represented by my Wordle word splash. Hopefully, I can concretize this sooner, rather than later.
Wish me luck!

Oct 18

Hello world!

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Hi. My name is Lilach Gez.  I am an Honors student at Brooklyn College as part of the Macaulay Honors College. This is my personal blog where I will put the inner ramblings of my mind.

My AUSome Trip