Jul 24

Cool Transportation in Melbourne

Posted in An Hour In A Minute, Australia...AUSome! Study Abroad, Comments Off on Cool Transportation in Melbourne

I ride the tram for an hour each way to Uni, so I’ve been spending a lot of time on trams, thinking about trams. 12

Jul 13

Hey Everyone! My uni schedule works out that I have no class on Tuesdays! In order to take as much advantage of my time here in Melbourne, I’ve dubbed these days, Touring Tuesdays. (Actually my host Mum came up with that one!-Thanks.) Naturally, I decided to do the most tourist-y thing of all which is […]

Jun 23

I can’t believe it’s in five days! In just five days I’ll be going to Australia for a four-month study-abroad adventure. And I can’t help but be excited about the silliest things and nervous about the least consequential things as well. Like seeing the international terminal in JFK that I’ve never been to and who […]

Apr 29

Where in the world???

Posted in Uncategorized, Comments Off on Where in the world???

I found this cool little embed-able map that you can use to show where in the world you’ve been. I’m proud and super grateful that I can say I’ve been to more than a few places around the world, mostly in a stroller and no memories to speak of, but hey it still counts, doesn’t […]

My AUSome Trip