Macaulay Everywhere

Author Mariana Adieb

Class Discussion: Mariana and Taryn

Caribbean Family Reunions Sutton, Constance R. “Celebrating Ourselves: The Family Reunion Rituals of African-Caribbean Transnational Families”.  Global Networks; Jul2004, Vol. 4 Issue 3: 243-257.   Brief: We met to discuss the article, its themes and how we are going to… Continue Reading →

Mariana Adieb- Annotated Bibliography

Best, C. (2003). “Reading Graffiti in the Caribbean Context.” Journal of Popular Culture, 36(4), 828–852. Curwen Best constructed his article on graffiti, its significance and interpretations in the Caribbean context. Caribbean societies were being impacted and influenced by pop culture,… Continue Reading →

Portrayal of News from the Caribbean vs. the United States

Caribbean immigrants represent a large number of New York City’s immigrant population, especially in Queens and Brooklyn. Although this is a fact, it is not really acknowledged and not much attention is given to this population. However, there is always… Continue Reading →

Pharaoh meets Liberty

Every person has his or her own unique identity that defines who they are as an individual. Searching for a picture that reflects and symbolizes my identity, I was surprised to find this photograph. At first, I thought it looks… Continue Reading →

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