Macaulay Everywhere

Author mchin003

Class Discussion: Mia and Jonas

In preparation for our class presentation Jonas and I met to discuss the elements of this article. We decided that it would be most beneficial to the class to spilt the article in the five digestable sections: Vodou origins, Vodou… Continue Reading →

Mia Chin | Annotated Bibliography

Brewington, Tyler Berkeley. “Taking the Kinks Out of Your Hair and Out of Your Mind: A study on Black hair and the intersections of race and gender in the United States .” Senior Comprehensive Thesis (2013): 1-108. Web. 11 Apr…. Continue Reading →

Diabetic Pandemic within the Caribbean Diaspora

For centuries, immigrants have sought refuge in America for its bountiful promise of freedom; whether that be in a political, economical, or social sense. America’s vibrant ethnic diversity has always appealed to those searching for a niche within the Western… Continue Reading →

Arroz and Nuo Mi Fan

“One… Two… Three…” I used to count the number of times that my mother’s kitchen knife would hit the cutting board while she prepared dinner. There’s a certain solace that comes with the sputter, sizzle, and steam of a hot… Continue Reading →

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