Macaulay Everywhere

Author Noel George

Noel George | Annotated Bibliography

Nicholson, Lawrence A., and Jonathan G. Lashley. Understanding the Caribbean enterprise: Insights from MSMEs and family owned businesses. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Print. This book provides a rationale for the study of small and large enterprises, mainly family owned businesses,… Continue Reading →

Music and Media in the Caribbean Diaspora

Although one might think that the Caribbean diaspora is made up of a homogeneous group of people, in reality it is a mixture of different cultures. However, there are many elements that unify this diverse group of people. Music is… Continue Reading →

Class Discussion: Noel and Elijah

Initially, the idea of leading class for a day didn’t seem too daunting of a task. But it was only after we started planning how the class session should go that we realized that there were many more challenges to… Continue Reading →

My Most Precious Book | Noel George

Born and raised in a conventional Christian family in Dubai, I grew up with religion being an integral part of my identity. My family would never miss a single church service held every Friday morning (since Friday was the public… Continue Reading →

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