Macaulay Everywhere

Category Media and the Diaspora

Diasporic Media Helps Combat Gender Based Violence

The Caribbean Diaspora has reached out, populating lands far from its islands of origin.  With the spread of these people comes the diffusion of ideas, customs, and other cultural sentiments. Additionally comes mixed responses of community members in their new… Continue Reading →

“The Medicaid Cliff”

“Schools are closing. Power is being cut off at homes and hospitals. Teachers have to choose between turning on the lights and turning on the computers. Doctors can’t get medicine to treat newborns unless they pay in cash…” This statement… Continue Reading →

Donald Trump: Friend or Foe of the Caribbean?

It’s safe to say that almost everyone in developing or developed countries knows about American President Donald Trump, and even some of his stances on policies.  As one of the most powerful people in the world, Trump has massive influence… Continue Reading →

Portrayal of News from the Caribbean vs. the United States

Caribbean immigrants represent a large number of New York City’s immigrant population, especially in Queens and Brooklyn. Although this is a fact, it is not really acknowledged and not much attention is given to this population. However, there is always… Continue Reading →

The Power of the Vote

Much of the Caribbean had been under colonial subjugation until close to the end of the 20th century. With their newfound independence, many nations of the Caribbean sought to implement a new democratic system as an honorable way to decide… Continue Reading →

The Debate of Gay Rights Amongst People of the Caribbean

Caribbean news media based in New York and the Caribbean allows migrants to continue to stay in touch with their country or region of origins. The stories focused on by these news outlets may be stories that would not get… Continue Reading →

The Haitian Times: “Bridging the Gap”

The Haitian Times is an online newspaper that serves as an outlet for broadcasting news concerning Haiti and the Haitian diaspora in the United States. Their claim to be bridging the gap, presumably between the Haitian diaspora and Haitians in… Continue Reading →

Diabetic Pandemic within the Caribbean Diaspora

For centuries, immigrants have sought refuge in America for its bountiful promise of freedom; whether that be in a political, economical, or social sense. America’s vibrant ethnic diversity has always appealed to those searching for a niche within the Western… Continue Reading →

The Caribbean Diaspora Population Reacts to the New Administration

The Caribbean diaspora population in the United States is not immune to the hysteria surrounding Donald Trump’s alarming policy proposals concerning immigration and international affairs. Many Caribbean news organizations feature stories about the threat of Donald Trump. These policies have… Continue Reading →

The Indian Rhythm in Indo-Caribbean | Osama Ashraf

Tuning through the various Indo-Caribbean radio stations at 2 in the morning is, I think, the strangest yet most insightful thing I’ve done all semester. Running into Dhantal Radio, I came across a lot of music I’d typically associate with… Continue Reading →

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