Macaulay Scholars Council Meeting – April 22, 2012
I. Welcome
II. Macaulay Clubs/Pub Updates & Event Announcements
- The Macaulay Vlog
- Has been promoting the student portal My Macaulay. Thanks to David and all the Vloggers!
- Continue to support and promote the Vloggers!
- The Macaulay Messenger
- Macaulay Messenger is looking for section editors for next year, applications available on the Macaulay Messenger website, due in early May.
- Movie Club
- Very successful first meeting
- will be having another meeting before summer break
- Gastronomy Club
- Very successful first meeting, went to eatery on
- Pursuit of Happiness
- based primarily out of Baruch, looking for representation on other campuses
- Working with Covenant House – tutoring & peer counseling on College Admissions Process
- The next deadline for newspaper submissions is April 30th. Keep reading!
- Global Medical Brigades
- Currently fundraising for their trip to Panama in August.
- This year’s CUFF was a success! Looking forward to next year.
- Model UN
- Mostly based out of Baruch, looking to expand membership to be more representative of all the campuses.
- Professional Clubs: Pre-Law, Pre-Health, and Business
- Musician’s Collective
- Will be performing at Arts Night – come see them!
- Also performing at joint concert on May 11th with Macaulay Triplets
- Macaulay Triplets
- will also be performing at Arts Night – come see them!
- Performing at joint concert on May 11th with Musician’s Collective
- Macaulay Theater Club
- Amy GvW (Brooklyn) working on restarting this club
- There will be a reading of a play Amy wrote: click here for info
- Improv Club
- Quidditch – The Macaulay Marauders
- Are at a tournament at Columbia today, April 22nd
III. IT/Communications Committee Updates
- Club/Pubs on the MSC website
- Drew has created a document listing all active clubs and their current leaders/organizers/presidents
- Each club will get a page on the MSC website
- The My Macaulay Portal will link to this information
Upper-level honors Fall 2012 classes at Baruch, Lehman, Brooklyn and Queens(?) need to be posted: List a class by clicking here
- Hunter and City Classes have been posted
- CSI doesn’t offer any upper-level honors classes
- Classes offered at Macaulay HQ will be added/linked to
- These classes are great – take them!!!
IV. Academic Affairs Updates
- College Council curriculum decisions
- Please see attached proposal from the Curriculum Committee. This proposal was discussed at the College Council meeting on Friday, April 20. The Curriculum committee will take this feedback, as well as feedback from students, in consideration in revising the proposal. The proposal will be voted on at the next College Council meeting in Fall 2012.
- Please read/skim the document and let Kaitlyn ( or Liz ( know if you have any feedback.
- Feel free to also test run this among your constituents and send us their feedback. Emphasize that this is just a PROPOSAL, that is still being modified, has not yet been approved, and even if it is approved, will not be implemented until, at the earliest, Fall 2013.
V. Events Recap
- CUFF Gala Week
- Very successful
- Common Ground festival
- A success – about 40 attendees
- Amrita did most of the planning by herself – MSC members are encouraged to support event planning, especially if they are not active in any other MSC-related projects
- Quidditch team at Stony Brook tournament
- The Marauders did very well considering they’re a very new team!
- NCUR (National Conference on Undergraduate Research) presentations in Utah
- A little over a dozen Macaulay students attended, most presenting senior theses
- Next year’s will be in Wisconsin, Drew will keep advisors informed of application info and deadlines
- NCHC is another undergraduate honors research conference, this year in Boston in November
- Macaulay will be sending some underclassmen to attend/observe, stay tuned for more info
- Careers in the Sciences panel presentation
- Immigration Reform in Higher Education working group’s Arizona trip
- Stay tuned for further information on this and ways to get involved
VI. Upcoming Events
- Arts Night – 4/28
- Come out and support your fellow Macaulay students’ creativity!
- In-Depth with Sy Sternberg: Election 2012 Part One – 5/1
- Part II will be in the Fall, should be a very exciting discussion
- Spring Formal – 5/5
- Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door
- Attendance is maxed out at250
- This is a masquerade, wear a mask!
- Dinner will be served
- You can bring a non-Macaulay date
- May 5th from 7PM to 11PM at CCNY, make sure to bring your ID
- Setup will begin at 5PM on May 5th, volunteers needed!
- Space will also be available at Macaulay the day of for additional preparation needs
- Triplets & Musicians Collective joint concert – 5/11
- We will also be pairing up with Global Medical brigades club and taking collections for the Panama trip in August
- In the Macaulay Cabaret at 7PM
- Olympics/Spring Picnic – 6/6
- We’ve gotten all of the space at Prospect Park we had last year and more!
- A survey is going out tomorrow to help decide which 7 sports will be played
- SING 2012
- In order for SING! 2012 to happen, there must be a committee of people planning it who are not participants in SING! If you would like to be a part of this committee (SING! was a huge event last year, and a lot of fun!) email Kaitlyn,
- The Spring 2011 videos will be posted sometime this summer, and used for the freshmen orientation
- Check on status of donation to Broadway Cares from SING! ‘11
VII. Student Life Committee Updates – None
VIII. Community Service Committee Updates
- There continue to be efforts to standardize and increase the amount/kind of community service Macaulay students do.
IX. Campus Updates
- Baruch
- Brooklyn
- Registering for classes at the end of this week
- Summer registration was last Monday, fall registration is this Monday
- Lots of admitted Macaulay students are interested in the housing scholarship provided by Macaulay this year at the Towers
- That being said, there was a discrepancy in information being provided about this housing scholarship in which the CCNY Admissions Office and Honors Center were saying one thing and the Towers Administration saying another. I [Joe] relayed the information the Towers was providing to the Honors Center (namely, that students can either accept the free 2-bedroom suite or pay full price for a different suite type). Hopefully any confusion that there had been has been alleviated
- Looking for interim director
- Hunter
- Has not registered for classes. Will soon?
- Lehman
- Queens
X. Next meeting date and time: Sunday May 13, 1:30 PM
- Chair – Anthony (Hunter)
- Minutes – Amy Ryan (Brooklyn)
-Kaitlyn O’Hagan