February 2016

  • Call To Order
    1. Chair: President Sara Louie
      Scribe: Ariella Trotsenko
    2. Student Development: Drew Adair and Chris Daversa
  • Scholars Council Updates
    1. Recap Club Fair
      1. 168 attendees – Student survey indicates the event was overall really successful
      2. Student Survey
    2. Upcoming Events
      1. Spring Formal
        1. 14 May, Saturday @ CCNY
        2. Tickets will be available for pre-order tickets & at door – prices to be discussed
        3. Themes and other miscellaneous details will be discussed at Student Life Committee Meeting
        4. Looking for clubs to join the celebration
        5. Looking for volunteers for the event
      2. Olympics
        1. Location – not yet decided, looking at CSI Campus  and Roosevelt Island
        2. Money through selling food and selling Macaulay merchandise
        3. Student Life will solidify all details in their upcoming Committee Meeting will solidify all details
        4. Looking for clubs interested in collaborating
        5. Looking for volunteers for the event
  • Student Development Updates
    1. Opportunities Fund
      1. Both MHC and CUNY have had a difficult budget year
      2. Opp Funds issues fell under budget issues – affected many students
      3. Access period ends on 2/26
        1. Seniors + Juniors who have not yet taken advantage of the fund get full priority
        2. Senior reimbursement (those who had to pay because they could not access funds) get priority for funds
        3. Working on some other specialities for the opportunities fund
        4. NCUR Conference → if accepted, let MHC know and they will work on reimbursements and providing funding
  • Marketing + Communications:  
    • Send your photos from in and out of the classroom featuring students doing cool things – MHC will feature them on Macaulay Monday, FB, Emails, and etc. Email to: communications@mhc.cuny.edu
  • Club Updates
    1. Clubs and Pubs
      1. Macaulay Business Club – Absent
      2. Macaulay Chamber Music Society  – Absent
      3. Macaulay Chess Club *new*
        1. 1st general interest meeting will be in Classroom 2 on 19 February from 4:30-5:30pm (room is booked till 6:30)
        2. 1st tournament 9 April, Saturday
        3. If you have anything you’d like to do in the club, let them know
        4. Club is open to all of CUNY
      4. Macaulay Creative Writing Club
        1. Next 67th street scribe newsletter set for release on 10 February
        2. March issue deadline – 25 February  
      5. Macaulay Dancers  – Absent
      6. Macaulay Dewanee *new*
        1. Practice every Friday 6-8pm at MHC
        2. Working on a lot of different events
      7. Macaulay Honors College Debate Society  – Absent
      8. Macaulay Games Society
        1. Planning semester and long term events
          1. Sponsoring/Hosting “Extra Life” – a 24 hour gaming marathon to play games and raise money for charity
          2. First general interest meeting 16 February 6:30-8:30pm MHC (date subject to change)
      9. Macaulay Gastronomy Club  – Absent
      10. Macaulay Gender Equality Club
        1. ~on hiatus (all club leaders went on study abroad in fall 2015)
      11. Macaulay Global Brigades
        1. No updates
      12. Global Politics Society  – Absent
      13. Macaulay Habitat for Humanity  – Absent
      14. Hillel  – Absent
      15. Humans of Macaulay
        1. First general meeting was on 5 February, Friday
        2. Now have representatives from all MHC campuses except CSI
        3. Great Gatsby Gala 26 February 7-11pm
        4. Lots of interest in the club – all profits generated from events go towards charity
        5. Theme: Faculty February with videos and pictures of faculty
        6. Planned Theme: Athletes April
      16. Mabuhay: Filipino Culture Club at Macaulay
        1. ~hiatus?
      17. Macaulay Marauders Quidditch Team
        1. In the process of planning a fundraising event
        2. Multiple tournaments planned in the tri state area (Rutgers)
        3. Going to texas in April for Division Tournament
        4. Practice every Sunday
        5. All tournaments/practices posted on Club Macaulay
      18. MATHaulay: Macaulay Math Club  – Absent
      19. Macaulay Messenger Online Newsletter  – Absent
      20. Macaulay Musician’s Collective
        1. Update from Drew: trying to reform, will be hearing from them soon after administration meets
      21. Macaulay Photography Club
        1. First general interest meeting was on 5 February, Friday
        2. Collaborated with Humans of Macaulay for Great Gatsby Gala (26 February)
        3. Accepting submissions for their magazine!
          1. mhcphotography@gmail.com
        4. In the midst of planning events (trip to the International Museum of Photography and trip to Bryant Park)
        5. Working on doing Headshots for Macaulay students
        6. Next meeting 19 February 5:30pm
      22. Macaulay Pre-Health Professions Club  – Absent
      23. Macaulay Pre-Law Club  – Absent
      24. Pied Filmmakers Collective  – Absent
      25. Psychology Club at Macaulay
        1. Update from Drew: Involved in a new initiative spearheaded by Goldman.
        2. First weekly meditation workshop will start 11 February, Thursday 7-8pm (one of the number of things MHC is working on to increase support for students)
        3. More info to follow!
      26. South Asian Health & Development Initiative
        1. First general interest meeting was on 5 February, Friday
        2. Decided on 3 projects;: (1) Adolescent Health Model, (2) Waste Management Program
        3. Looking to expand to different campuses for different chapters
        4. 19 February – Bollywood Dance Night
          1. Screening of bollywood movies and dances with Dewanee
      27. Macaulay S.P.A.R.K.: Students Partnering and Reaching Kids  – Absent
      28. Macaulay Theater Club  – Absent
      29. Macaulay Triplets A Cappella Group
        1. Competed in Intercollegiate Competition 6 February in New Jersey
        2. Hoping to be in Semi-Finals
      30. Macaulay Venture Club  – Absent
      31. Macaulay YES: Youth Events for Seniors  – Absent

Special Initiatives

      1. Arts Night – April 2nd
        1. First general interest meeting was on 5 Febaury
        2. Next Meeting 19 February 5-7pm
        3. Officially decided on theme!
          1. Macaulay-Wood – based on Hollywood glamour, movie genres, costume, extravagence, etc.
        4. Discussing how they will decorate the building (looking for volunteers) and what kind of workshops they can have like (madlibs screening workshop, hollywood costumes workshop)
        5. Emailing clubs to see how they can participate in the event
        6. Didn’t get anyone from Lehman, Baruch, CSI, John Jay
      2. Avasara – Absent
      3. Macaulay Diversity Initiative/Supporting Excellence Conference & Macaulay Alumni & Students of Color Affinity Group
        1. 11 March, Friday – 5th supporting excellence conference
        2. Theme – effective collaboration between communities; building movements in terms of social justice
      4. TEDxCUNY: Hosted by Macaulay Honors College
        1. 3rd year running TedxCUNY – 6 salon events within CUNY system
        2. Videos are hitting ~300,000 views online
        3. Looking for new team members in TedxCUNY
          1. Job roles will be posted online – Marketing and Communications, Programmers, Development people, Curators to help chose the speakers and content
        4. Started working on a new initiative to work with other colleges to create a higher education movement (sort of like a TedxCollege series)
        5. For more details go to tedxcuny.com or email tedxcuny@gmail.com
      5. Film Festival
        1. 18 February Midnight – film submission deadline
        2. CUFF website has all details
        3. Gala night to see all films 16 April, Saturday

Club Proposals (discussion)

Step Club

  1. Goal- to show that anyone can step, to have fun
  2. Want to do workshops before actually performing so they can have a strong, committed team
  3. First general interest meeting 4 March 5-7pm
  4. Already invited to a show in April
  5. Already have a strong interest from students that came to the club fair but still need more exposure
  6. Contact – macaulaystepclub@gmail.com for more detaila
  7. Club Approved by Council 14/14 

Roosevelt Institute at Macaulay

  1. General overview – over 120 chapters around USA, network of 10,000 members of which Macaulay should be part of that community
  2. Student run progressive think tank – economic and political policy
  3. Clear distinction between Global Politics Society which focuses on international affairs while the Roosevelt Institute focuses more on local politics, policy incubations, and working with community activists to implement new policies and such
  4. Broken up into areas of politics which students can sign up for depending on interest
  5. Approved by Council 14/14


  • Representatives Vote on Club Proposals
  • Budget Announcement + Vote by Representatives only
  • Updates on Tuition Letter & Opportunities Fund
  • Campus Updates
    1. Baruch
      1. Undergraduate Winter Carnival
      2. Black History Month events
      3. Sex Week – Vagina Monologues
      4. Caitlin Massey has been officially made the new full-time advisor
    2. Brooklyn
      1. New Advisor replacement – students can pick between the new or old advisor
      2. Honors @ Brooklyn – looking to create honors student council so they can create a larger honors community in Brooklyn
    3. City College
      1. Mixed reviews about Peopling of NYC seminar
      2. Hard to incorporate commuters in Macaulay events
      3. Honors center not really big enough – Macaulay is getting bigger but space isn’t
    4. College of Staten Island
      1. Chinese New Year Celebration event
      2. Recycling initiative – pictures of administration/students posted promoting environmental sustainability
    5. Hunter
      1. Students are now been involved in admissions process of incoming freshman
      2. Should sophomores even bother applying for opportunities fund? Is it worth it to do such a long applications with budget crisis of MHC?
        1. Drew: Application is long so that the case can be as detailed and thorough as possible in order to make a better decision
          1. Get advisors to help with your application!
          2. Though priorities are for seniors and juniors, sophomores still have a chance, and even if they don’t get it, it will be good practice
    6. John Jay – Absent
    7. Lehman
      1. Valentine’s Day Concert
    8. Queens
      1. Queens College was on SNL skit with Larry David
      2. Events planning committee with MHC Queens students
        1. Planning annual talent night, ice cream social, spring picnic, and more fun activites
  • Committee Meetings + sign up to volunteer at Spring Events
    1. Academic Affairs
    2. Campus Affairs
    3. Community Service
    4. Finance
    5. IT/Communications
    6. Student Life
  • Macaulay Scholars Council Graphic Logo Design Competition
  • Final Remarks and Discussion
  • Adjournment

March Scholars Council Meeting

Date: Sunday, March 6th, 2016

Time: 2pm

Location: Lecture Hall