Our group is focusing on composting in New York City and the environmental benefits it brings as a sustainable way of removing waste and acting as a natural fertilizer. Specifically, we are focusing on improving the public image of composting and how to get people to partake in it, as well as the challenges that exist in New York against composting and possible incentives that will convince people to partake in it. By analyzing the current situation, we can see how to improve the public image of composting in the future. We plan to interview people in the composting industry and other related environmental fields to learn about the barriers they face in promoting composting, as well as their opinions on how to most effectively increase the amount of people that compost. We have already interviewed several experts in the composting field and have set up future interviews as well. The articles we found encompass ideas and themes that will help us better understand the public’s current involvement in food composting. We also plan to participate in a composting event ourselves in order to see what the experience is like. The video will provide an overview of the current barriers composting organizations face in getting more people to compost and how we can initiate change and encourage more people to take part in it.