Video idea

Hi all:

I’m glad to see your video ideas collect here– they sound good. Don’t forget that Jesse and I have office hours (Karen, Mondays; Jesse, Wednesdays) if you want to talk about the posters or video. Also, please make sure to sign up for your presentations (see the first post in Video Support for the link.)

– Karen

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2 Responses to Video idea

  1. Chapter 14 Video Ideas:

    – “Do you know what you’re eating?” – go to the hunter cafeteria and interview people and investigate what is being offered, where the food is coming from, what is in the food, who is eating what and do they know what it is made up of, etc. This could be conducted in a very Sherlock Holmes manner with flashbacks and cuts and music cues, etc.

    – “Let’s Make Dinner!” – in the spirit of the holidays, we could decide to make a full meal (including veggies, fruits, breads, meats, fish, beverages, etc to incorporate all of our topics) and create a documentary that will follow us around from the time we make the grocery list, to the supermarket and film all the options of the food (ex: turkey options) and what if healthier, where it comes from, what is in it, etc. and examine what kind of ingredients and how healthy they are will go into the meal and we could possibly cover supermarkets (history) and then compare to green markets
    – possibly have this in two teams, one that goes to the supermarket and one that goes to a green market and compare the two

    – Green markets versus supermarkets: future of food and what we eat

  2. karengregory says:

    I like the super market/green market comparison. Not only what foods are available, but what transportation issues, travel time, and costs are involved?

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