When individuals think of the metropolis that is New York City, we envision, hopes, aspirations, and a vital vision to achieve a “dream.” I was going to class one day and looked up, people don’t really seem to do that much anymore, it’s always staring down on a phone or trying to get by in crowded streets.I thought of how low the clouds are and to the point where a substantial amount of the Empire State Building was consumed by fog. The Empire State is a symbol that NYC is known for, however, I figured thoughts a bit differently.
While our dreams and goals may be as high as that building, as high as the sky, there will always be obstacles, adversities, and it is our duty to ourselves to overcome those and make that sky clear once again. There will be times where it is sunny, life is good, work/school/family/ everything is in a good place. Some weeks, it might be cloudy for a prolonged period of time, much similar to how we have slumps, how there’s days no one wants to get out of bed and deal with ever-growing responsibility.
However, one thing to note, is that New Yorkers don’t just sit down and take what they’re handed. They get back up, and they work hard. To do better, to strive and thrive for greatness and endless opportunity. It’s always the rainiest and dreadful days that have the most beautiful sunsets. The top of the Empire State is always lit at the end of the day, no matter what fog/rain/snow/anything may try to block it. The light always shines through. We wouldn’t have gotten this far as a city if it weren’t for hard work and dedication to sustaining our industries to flourish. As adults, we work for what we want in the future, and that time is particularly now. It might be rough, but there’s a purpose to everything and it’s time we think about the future within ourselves and our city.
This is a really beautiful picture that illustrates your ideas very well. There’s something eerily beautiful about the tops of skyscrapers and bridges covered in a fog. I like how you focused on the positive aspect and the strength of New York and its people. It is very important to remember what the city has been through and take the proper steps in order to secure a better future for ourselves and our city. Great work!
I love how you highlight the association we all have of skyscrapers with our hopes and dreams. Even your mention of the Empire State Building is so true to New York City, a staple symbol of the metropolis and all it represents. As New Yorkers, we can all relate to the dependence on that always shining, never faltering symbol of light.