This dance was very, how could I say it, different. Let’s start with the music, which was performed live on stage. It was loud and full of beats. The movements of the dancers were very rigid and almost messy, but that’s the way it was supposed to be. It wasn’t messy in a bad way, but almost in an everyday kind of way. The dance, as written in the playbill, “explores the notion of an ‘offering’: that is, the act of being willfully submissive towards a deity or force beyond physical comprehension.” This was visible in the way one man acted on stage. With every drumbeat, his body moved in such a jerking way along with it. When the beats quickened, so did his movements to the point where he almost looked like he was going to explode from all this movement.

A common movement between the dancers was a bopping movement in the legs. I’m not sure what it is supposed to be; it was very odd seeing the dancers do it. There were a couple of moments when the dancers lined up and danced in unison. It was a very pleasant sight, because, for once out of the whole dance, it was very fluid and smooth and appealing to see.

The lighting also played a huge role. In the beginning it looked like the sun was out, and towards the middle it darkened to this deep blue, signaling night.

The second part of the dance didn’t seem to connect to the first part. In the beginning, everything was hectic and there were a lot of dancers on stage. In the second part, there were only two dancers and the music became calmer. It almost looked like a couple dancing with each other. This part of the dance was also appealing to watch because of the way the two dancers moved with each other. It seemed as if they were one person, just split up. Maybe they were fighting in a way, because there was one dancer just standing to the side watching the whole thing. Maybe he was observing the fight between the two dancers.

Then towards the end, it seemed as if the dancers were praying to this man on stage. They all danced and raised their arms towards him, while he just bounced on his legs. Overall the dance was very moving, and unlike anything I have ever seen.