When we gathered in the Woody Tanger Auditorium, I expected a stream of recited poetry and maybe a song or two, but as the show began and progressed I was stunned by the talent, passion and courage. Every poet and singer that took the stage was not only captivating and emotional but truly talented. I loved the musicians from the heart wrenching pain of the first performer to the eerie retelling of little red riding hood through song. Even the poets stole my attention from the girl who sewed her emotions, the boys’ stories on love/loss and the telling of the pain of interracial relationships. With each story I felt their emotions and theirs only. From performance to performance I was overwhelmed with a new emotion from happiness to sorrow and back. Something about the intricacy of their words spoken in the poets/ song writer’s voice is astounding.


Aside from how entertained and emotionally involved I was, I truly was shocked by the number of people brave enough to take the stage and pour their hearts out to us in such beautiful mediums, song and written word. I could never imagine speaking like that in front of others with such emotion. Their ability to speak of, accept and describe their emotions makes me feel that these artists are heightened, that they understand and accept themselves on a new level. Their courage and acceptance of their emotion is what I respect. I loved the range in style, the range in age and range in mediums, but I also loved their shared courage.

From the show I not only learned the emotion of spoken word but I gained a respect for it. Spoken word connects people, connects their emotions and helps them understand each other, and it all takes the bravery of one emotionally comfortable person.