My Spanish is already mejorar-ing!

First real day of class yesterday, superfun. Second real day of class today, también. After class yesterday, a few of us went to a Döner Kebab place by the last church we visited on our tour on Monday. It was me, my roommate, two Chinese girls, two Japanese girls, and a guy from Finland. We had so much fun! We ate outside and it was still sooooo warm!

The guy who worked at the place misunderstood me and put white sauce even though I asked him not to (unvegan!!). He removed it when I reminded him but then he covered the remnants of it in red sauce, and I discovered more white sauce as I went hahah.. oh well, it’s not like it’s goona kill me. Wiped it off as best I could.

We talked in Spanish for the first, like, hour or so. Then we switched to English because it was easier for all of us. There was lots of walking and talking because the place is far away so we had a bunch of fun. I laugh a lot during regular conversations but the mistakes we make in Spanish cause general hilarity.

Today, we got into new groups to talk using some reflexive verbs. It was really fun. There were little flashcards with things on them and we had to like and dislike them with different verbs and then explain a bit.

A bit ago I went to meet someone on campus to practice my Spanish and help him with English and German but I did kind of a fail job. He didn’t seem to mind, though, and we’re going to meet up again, I think.

Now I’m meeting a girl that wants me to help her with German and I’m not sure if I’ll be of any use whatsoever because I don’t actually know any of the grammar rules…

Feeling a bit discouraged.




About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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