Hey there,

long time no me talking at my three followers šŸ˜› I WENT TO FRANCE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! A couple of the girls in my program have been here before so they kinda know how everything works and what they want to do. We took two buses and a taxi to get to St. Jean Pied de Port, slept at the pilgrim station thingy there for 10 euros, got a free breakfast of bread and jam and tea, then walked a lot.

I thought I had forgotten my extra batteries at home (in LogroƱo) so I made everyone wait when my camera died so I could run halfway through the little French town we were in. When I got to the tourist shop, the lovely man who spoke a bit of English let me know he had no batteries. I ran back, feeling like and idiot, and then had my feeling confirmed when I encountered said forgotten batteries stuck under my notebook about one kilometer later. WOOT. hahaha

SO MANY PICS are on facebook, and I will get around to putting them up here. It’s just a matter of time :p

I spent all day sleeping to recover from the fun, the muscle aches, and the awesome amount of socializing. France FTW It was awesome!!!

Skyping with my two favorite City College Sophie girls <3




About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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