Moneyless Student in Rome Finds Loving Home (like a lil micio)

Is there a god? I don’t know, but when in Rome… be cheesy and say that line. Apparently the Romans, and their Vatican neighbors, know how to throw a hell (whoops) of an easter. I just came here to see a dear friend and because I have vacation now, but the fact (?) that Jesus rose from the dead is sort of a cute little plus. I guess I’ll go to a famous church or two, and I actually did pray on the plane on the way here..

I get to spend a family holiday staying with an actual family. I know I didn’t have it as bad as some of my comrades during Christmas because I went to stay with my family in Germany, which was epic. I missed my Mami and Daddy, but I got to see my cousins, my aunt and uncle, and my lovely Oma and Opa for a month.

I’m running out of travel funds and I miss my family so much. The fact that I’m going home in 10 weeks seems completely unreal, insanely awesome, and incredibly frightening. I can’t leave. Europe changed me so much. I owe a lot to my stay in Spain. It was like a superlong vacation during which I accidentally picked up some Spanish here and there (and in the three plus hours of class I have every weekday:p)

From now until the 10th, I get to stay with my friend, Sara, who studied at my high school for a year (2009-10). Her english is great, my italian is quite iffy.. to the point where I speak spanish to her parents and sister when they don’t understand my grunts and/or hand gestures. I got here today. Tomorrow we are resting and planning my visits to the center of the city. On saturday we’re skyping a mutual friend (my BFF <3)

I’ll probably only go into the city for two of the days that I’m here: Friday and part of Saturday. I know Rome is big, but I’m here to see a friend. I don’t want to go traipsing around all over the place. I want to chill with her family and paint easter eggs with her.. I decided it’s vegan because I’m not eating them :B

Every day is better than the last. This is my second to last visit to another city before I go to the US via Germany. Seeing old friends is fantastic.

Thanks for reading that mess of a ramble 😉



ps: too lazy to post pics. It is now 1:40 am and I shall sleep.

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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