The disparity between plans&reality (why grand inspiration often lacks follow-through)

Eh, it’s like they’re the same person, anyway..

I’ve been butchering my blog’s background for some time now. Especially since I got internet last Tuesday, which is basically a week ago now that it’s after midnight. This Cinderella should be getting her beauty sleep (Sleeping Beauty? wrong movie? idk)….. Today’s Writing Center Consultant Workshop (and really everything else that has gone right and wrong and all over the place these past few weeks) made me think about the reasons why I keep putting off the grand blog change and the inspired posts. It’s the same reason anybody puts off anything.

Example: New Year’s Resolution!

Do you ever go to the gym every day after writing it on your list? How about start reading one book per month or eating all your veggies? Studying more?

Yeah, I thought so. It’s not your fault… or not exactly.. We’re just like Marshall on How I Met Your Mother.

“I will never get drunk again!” ended in a very, very embarrassing display, indeed. Why? It’s too much pressure! Every time we get 100% inspired by something beautiful and seemingly life-altering, we tend to make decisions that change something major in our lives. The problem with that is the major change part. People hate change. Liberal people hate change, conservative people hate change, young people hate change, and old people hate change. EVERYONE hates change.

Yeah. New pie. It’s fish. (

Sure, there’s the odd situation like a presidential election or a new type of pie on the dinner menu, but in general we don’t know how to deal with things that are not routine. Especially when they inconvenience us. The biggest inconvenience in the world is a healthier lifestyle decision. So maybe you saw God in a piece of toast and decided to change your entire life. Well, religion seems to be the only way to make amazing changes like that all at once, so kudos. If you’re like me, however, you’re going to need more than that, simply because nothing can make you stick to your grand plans.

To this I say, don’t have a grand plan. Just like everything you learn at a job orientation, this isn’t something you don’t already know, but it IS something that you need to hear again to help it sink in. Step-by-step is the only way for most people to implement some sort of betterment process. Start working out on Tuesdays and see where it goes from there. Eat one type of vegetable every day, and see where it goes from there. Study one hour in the library after lunch and…. yeah, I think you get it.

We see the things we do wrong and want to adjust them right now, without further ado, before the sun goes down etc. We’re just so critical of ourselves that we don’t take a break from our betterment plans to make a long-term plan involving realistic adjustments. Because we want to fail.

We don’t have to fail if we don’t want to. Just sayin’. So I’m writing a blog and leaving my slightly improved background up so I can go to bed before 1.

My plan was bed at midnight, but before 1 works. Maybe I’ll perfect it for the schoolyear, but who knows. One thing at a time, right? Try it, even if you have before. Maybe just start by deciding to avoid sweeping declarations. That’s step one for us lazy people šŸ™‚

Sweet Dreams and lots of love,



About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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