The Brooklyn Museum

the web of life

I apologize for the late night post.

It’s Lexi and this just couldn’t wait.

I had a reaction to this painting when I was sitting on the three train heading home. I really love creative writing and this kinda popped into my head.

 I have witnessed the four seasons

I have seen life and death

creation and destruction

I have been present for the rise and fall of nations

waters flooding the Earth

freezing over

and the temperamental Sun

making puddles of the mountainous glaciers

I have heard the wolves howl 

and babies cry

I have suckled human life

from the warm milk of my teat

I am all there is

and all there will ever be

you may call me Mother

as you sit in the lap

of my creation

and enjoy the sounds of the Earth

thanks for bearing with me. Have a good night :)

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