A single-log bridge

There is an old Korean saying: Your always meet your enemy on a single-log bridge. A single-log bridge, as you can see on the feature image of my post, is a place where there is no out. Once you step on the bridge and took a few steps forward, you gotta keep going. Especially in the situation that Squarzoni depicted on our brains, there are even two enemies: Climate change and depletion of fossil fuels. We face two major opponents that block our ways to get to the other side. As we stand on the middle of the bridge, there seems to be no solution of getting out of this situation.

However, Squarzoni suggests, or maybe hints us with, a solution that might help us: Taking a free-fall from the bridge with a parachute on our back. It is time for us to make a decision. It could be either to face your enemies on both sides or to take off with a better solution possible. Falling off from the bridge signifies cutting off our old habits: watching TV all day, driving many times unnecessarily, eating fast food, or even our excessive investment on the newest gadgets.

Squarzoni, as usual, never let us get away without having to really evaluate if falling off from the bridge is the best solution. What about the camera man who didn’t prepare his parachute so he had to die no matter what? What if that’s our case? What if there is no parachute for us at all? This guy makes me think a lot. What is the best solution?






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