The Arts and Friendship

I’m not exactly sure on where to begin in this blog, so I’ll just have to refer back to the start of this semester. At first I was afraid, I was petrified (It’s a “I will survive” song reference), just kidding, I was just nervous meeting all my new classmates at once. I was hoping they were friendly and had a sense of humor. But I should have trusted Professor Gary right at the start, he chose wonderful people.
It was very easier to open up to everyone and share my thoughts on topics such as climate change and jazz. And I loved all the new experiences we shared together, especially the opera where we got to dress up and eat some really good food. I think all you really need to have fun is friends and a satisfied stomach. But I forget that humans need something to keep us hydrated. Thankfully, we learned about the art of the Japanese tea ceremony; Matcha green tea is so delicious and tastes even better when you discover exactly how it is made.
I am very grateful to Professor Pearl and Ben for teaching and exposing us all these aspects of the arts that I never thought I would have the chance to learn. I actually met a tea master, watched an opera, created my own video (Where I’m From) when I am terrible at technology, and in turn, discovered my own classmates’ stories. As my final words, “Arigatou Gozaimashita!” :D

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