Change Everywhere

In the first section of the novel a Climate Changed by Philippe Squarzoni, I was surprised to see the thoughts of the author written out. I could see his thought process and the initial steps he takes to learn about climate change, much like what we as students are going through now. I let out a little laugh when he bought “every book in the environment section” because that’s what I feel like doing when I am confused or learning about a new topic.

I noticed there were connections to the idea of change. The first change I noticed was in the introduction from Nicole Whittington-Evans, the AlaskaRegional Director. She address the climate change in Alaska and the Arctic on how the “climate is warming at approximately twice the rate of other parts of the globe”. The increased temperatures caused icebergs to melt, forcing polar bears to swim farther distances and caused costal erosions from violent sea storms which forced civilians to be relocate. Natives are having to change their ways of living that they have continued for thousands of years. Similarly, I see change in the understanding of climate change in the author. Squarzoni starts to learn about facts of by self studying. This is the only positive change I see. The Earth is changing, traditions are changing, people are changing and so are lifestyles.

The novel is an enjoyable read because as I read, I can inspect the pictures for further clues and meanings the author may have wanted to portray. I look forward to see how Squarzoni explains global warming and climate change in the next few hundred pages.

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