We’re all sitting ducks
That’s what a scientist said during a news report. That we are all “sitting ducks”. Well, shoot. If that’s the case, then why are we even bothering.
Because we have to try. Against all odds, the people of earth are David and climate change is Goliath. Interestingly enough, Bill McKibben said something similar in one of his many seminars. His Rolling Stones’ article “A Call to Arms” is a rallying cry to the people of the world to join forces and fight this great evil. It sounds like something you would read in a fantasy novel, but this is the real deal. I mean what else could bring people together other than the possible loss of their home. The fact that climate change is hitting so close to home is a wake up call. McKibben makes some good points about the “World Leaders” not doing much leading in regards to climate change. They aren’t willing to give up their source of income. These oil companies, and gas companies are so intertwined with our economy, with the world economy, that “shutting them down” won’t be easy. And McKibben makes that clear.
So the question is, will our display of unity for saving the planet, work?
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