So Many Messages
When Squarzoni asks “if it’s the second time, does the loop repeat itself exactly?” on page 74, I relate it to having a second chance after making a huge mistake. In the case of climate change, will you continue to be of no help or will you start to make a contribution toward the movement?
I also linked “where does a book begin?” and the proceeding questions (pages 78-79) to a difficult life aspiration. Mentally or metaphysically, a goal can be set before the individual even realizes it. In the case of climate change, when will everyone come to the realization of this dilemma and start to work toward the improvement of the environment. Completing a difficult task or goal won’t ever be easy, hence the word “difficult.” However, whenever you reach completion or “put in the final period” (page 81), you will only be somewhat satisfied because “yet at the same time you’ve known for a long time that you’re going to go right on and do another one” (page 81). A new goal has arose to take its place. Acknowledging climate change takes one step at a time, partially due to the stubborn and conservativeness of other people.
In this reading, I appreciate the fact that Squarzoni took the time to mention some important catastrophic events dating back to 2003. I forgot about Hurricanes Danielle, Frances, and Jeanne and Cyclone Catarina. All the events stated from pages 89 to 91 prove how long climate change has been negatively affecting us and how long we’ve been allowing it.
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