Much ado about nothing

In this section of Squarzoni’s Climate Changed what I found most interesting was the explanation that was given of how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) actually functioned. It is sad to see that many of the previous steps taken in regards to dealing with climate change were steps that were far too small to make a difference. The IPCC was not meant to help stop the advancement of global warming or climate change it was merely a step to “assess” the problem at hand. What is next when we are in dire need of our political leaders to take action will they once again just wait it out and then perhaps later on “assess” the extent of the damage or the amount of lives lost, will they “assess” who is worth saving and who is not? If so much work, effort, time, money and resources go into simply making an assessment for our global leaders how much time do they need to actually get something done? If we do not act now will we even have enough time to fix the problem that is so evidently present before we finish “assessing” everything? I am not so sure that we will.

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