No doubt anymore
No doubt anymore
In this section, I learned how scientists all around the world collaborate together to write articles and make policymakers consent those articles and legalize regulations. I learned that those scientific articles that I read are made by numerous people’s effort and time. By Squarzoni, “the report of over 800 pages will be the elective work of more than 120 authors and 500 contributors, with the help of 700 collaborators”. I did not know those many people are involved to make articles and regulations.
On the page 92, it says “are we already living in a world where we’ve irrevocably changed the climate?”. irrevocably? Yes, I agree to this question. Water is circulated. Air is circulated. All materials are finally circulated because we recycle paper, glass, and plastic. And now, climate and environment are getting polluted. It is circulated while it is polluted at the same time. There is no way to purify those pollution and change unless we stop and decrease the rate of pollution.
Squarzoni gives readers definite information that none can doubt to his claims. On the page 93, he explains how climatologists work with computer models to simulate how the planet is changed with the rate of CO2, and the data base shows readers exactly how the earth is changed with the rate of carbon dioxide. We cannot doubt it anymore.
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