An Uncertain Future(pgs 96-131)
This section of the book outlined so many uncertainties regarding the future of our planet. It was quite overwhelming to weigh and consider the myriad factors that may determine the trajectory of the climate and the affects that the ocean, forests, and soil may have in compounding human activity. While scientists have outlined a model for the temperature increases for the 21st century they cannot predict the extent to which the climate will respond after that threshold of 3.6 to 5.4 degree Celsius is crossed. Squarzoni’s use of the dish at the end of the table illustrates well the potential chaos that might ensue if indeed it is crossed. The urgency with which we have to act in regards to a specific timetable is unclear as of yet but not acting seems to entail grave consequences. I thought it was interesting that as the experts in the chapter were expressing the uncertainty of the future Squarzoni cuts away and talks about the approaching night. He uses dark black ink to consume the mountains on page 119 which to me represented the darkness of the decades ahead.
The section also mentions feedback loops which puts an even greater impetus on us to address climate change. It seems as though not only the atmosphere will react to our actions, but nature will as well. It was a new idea to me that as we emit more carbon dioxide, nature will as well. The threshold idea then is quite appropriate, as nature seems to be something that can be broken when pushed past a certain point. We don’t know what the future holds, but I think preemptive action is better than no action at all.
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