I was going to tell a chemistry joke but all the good ones……Argon!


This was actually the first time that I had noticed the art that is engraved throughout the Lehman intersection. I felt a slight sense of guilt that I had passed through the same walkway numerous times and never took the time to look down and appreciate the work and effort that went into creating the walkway. We noticed that the central idea behind the art revolved around wisdom, it began with the sculpture of the owl that is seen in many cultures as a large symbol of wisdom. The engravings on the floor I think evolved from that idea, because I noticed that as one walks down the pathway the engravings and ideas become more complex. Thus perhaps portraying the evolution of human wisdom. What stood out to me the most were the engravings of the chemistry formulas. The fact that my all time favorite subject is chemistry I think added to the fact that this specific engraving spoke to me, I really appreciate that chemistry is appreciated outside of science.

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