
There are so many unpredictable factors that play into global warming: Clathrates, melting ice caps resulting less absorption of sun rays, less absorption of CO2 by the ocean due to raise of the temperatures, less photosynthesis, and etc. These factors are mentioned; however, how much impact they will have on us is unpredictable. IF the global warming progresses at this rate, there will be an extra damage that the raise of the temperatures will cause. It would be irreversible.

This made me think that even now, in this very moment, the earth is getting more and more sick. Actions are required right now or they might not mean anything later. Even if we all change our minds right at this moment and change everything, the earth could not be able to change its course on raising its temperature. But, we can still try. We can create a chance. We can create a possibility. It counts. We count.

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