One Vision of the World

From this section, I finally managed to get why Squarzoni keeps referring to the “beginning”. He had mentioned how to start a book, a movie, a policy, and now the earth. It is interesting that he relates to the beginning as a sudden occurrence or inspiration. Like how the earth was form because of that instant in the Big Bang. By doing so, he gives a little bit more hope than before; as though it is saying that we just need to do something for climate change and the rest will takes itself from there.

Towards the end of the section, Squarzoni and his girlfriend was discussing the perfect picture of the world from space. He writes that “99% of the time, when we see a photo of the earth, it’s this one” (p.170). However, his girlfriends mentions that half the earth is always in the shadows; but the one we are always focus on is the perfect picture. I say that the last two pages are indicative of what society is like as a whole –  we refused to see that we have flaws.

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