The struggle is too real

This first section of memory of water really baffled me.  It scares me because regardless of how outrageous some of these details are… it.can.happen.

We can go from living comfortably, to not being able to leave the house without an insect hood.  We can go from having all the water we need, to trading it like currency.  We can go from beautiful white Christmases to barren lands all year round.  Everything we take for granted now, can all disappear.

When reading this first section, I have never been more grateful for the endless supply of water. I have never been more grateful for the beautiful snow days that are sprinkled throughout the year.  I’ve never been more grateful for the all the tiny, but crucial details of life.

I find it really interesting that the prediction for the future is to go back to the primitive life.  It’s weird to think that we have to very different fates ahead of us.  We can thrive and be in the high-tech life that we’d like to think awaits.  Or we can suffer in a world that has trouble breathing and is running out of water.

As colloquial as it might seem, the struggle is honestly so real.

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