The Things You Learn

Wow, that entire part about the occurrence of Hurricane Katrina was just horrible. I actually read it word for word. I feel as if I was there as Squarzoni went through all the details. I was 9 years old at the time, only knowing the general idea of the natural disaster. It’s as if Squarzoni is trying to infuriate the reader as he explains what was going on and how the government was responding in the meanwhile. Well, it worked. President Bush visits Colorado and has conference concerning the war in Iraq and Condoleezza Rice is seen spending thousands of dollars on shoes in New York. These two statements were outrageous. How are you going to about carrying on with life while a tragedy needs to solved in your country? I thought we had leaders for a reason. I guess not. I honestly always wonder: how come rich people don’t donate more to tragic occurrences, charities or poor people when they have the money? That has always puzzled me.

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