Stuck at the End
Is Squarzoni trying to shift to his point of view on endings? I believe so. The little end story is a little bit surprising and sadistic. He was describing what he remembers as a kid, and the one thing that he focused on is the cameraman’s mistake. Aren’t there fonder memories besides death? Also, how Squarzoni juxtapose the gently floating parachuters and the quickly falling cameraman. The others are watching the cameraman died and can’t really do anything about it, which is guilt tripping.
It speaks about death. How sometimes we are so focused on certain things that death just creeps upon us when we least expect it. The abruptness is one way Squarzoni could probably end this memoir. Imagine the other pages that follow this section are just blank – it speaks even though there is nothing following. It is pretty symbolic of the whole issue of climate change and the catastrophe that we faced. But we probably know Squarzoni won’t do this because he hasn’t discussed the “ending” enough yet.
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