I was confused during pages 296 to 303. The end? How could it be the end? I tried to assure myself that it was not the end, could not possibly be, by feeling how many pages were left. But then those convincing words “The End” were humungous. I turned the page. Oh. Another movie. “The beginning of the end of the world is beginning.” Okay, that makes more sense. Then I really looked at what those words meant. We are starting the last chapter of humanity as we know it. Is the ending already written? Can we rewrite it? How much time do we have left to do so?
Page 309 – another apocalyptic picture. But this one is done in the typical style of a graphic novel, of a comic. Why did Squarzoni chose to do this? The gas is chasing the Squazonis to their demise. We are using up all of our fossil fuels – this could possibly end to our demise.
Finally Squarzoni is interviewing a female. You go girl!
I don’t understand the Mona Lisa illustration on page 316. It seems as if it is the industrial version. The water and sky are polluted. Her eyes and mouth look zombie-like. What was the purpose of this?
We see the results of the King of Diesel chase. The Squarzonis are hanged. Are we going to wait until the disaster happens? Or are we going to take action and restructure our energy use to avoid the dangers ahead?
That parachute jumper story is so terrifying. Could you imagine knowing you are falling, knowing you will die in a matter of seconds? What do you do? What is there to do? This is the situation humanity could find itself in.
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