
In this section of the Squarzoni text, Squarzoni says that an ending can either be “welcome”, “sad”, or “mysterious” (299). I think however it can be all three at once. For example, the ending of our world, for me personally will be welcoming because based on my Catholic faith I believe we will be with God in Heaven. At the same time, in regards to climate change, it may not be welcoming a a satisfying context but it would be something I believe foreseen based on the climatologists predictions on the future ‘health’ of our planet Earth. At the same time, the ending of our world is also sad because judging from the natural disasters (that are only the beginning of climate change) numerous lives were lost and large number of families torn apart. And I believe most importantly, the end of our world is mysterious. Although, we may have a sense of what is to happen, I feel as though the enigma lies in the aftermath, especially for those who do not believe in the afterlife. Where will we live? Will anyone survive? And probably the most essential question we may be all asking ourselves when the time comes, what could we have done to stop this?

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