Replacing with alternatives – not a chance?
The whole idea about alternative energy is more positive/encouraging to me than the rest of the book. Sure, it doesn’t really meet our levels of energy consumption, but there are alternatives. I think it is the idea of taking things steps by step. For example, what we saw in class, how there was a town that is 100% powered by renewables and Madrid is changing to wind power. This is less of a daunting task to stopping climate change, than a mass action with everybody having no idea on what to do. The part about the nuclear energy was so sarcastic. How Squarzoni puts the smiley face on the nuclear plants. It is like we are asking for death; Like the researcher had said, what happened to Chernobyl could easily happens to us. Such a damper……
What was saddening was that right in the middle of explaining alternatives, Squarzoni puts in the bit about his dog. About how he was taking a break, only to find that their dog has passed away on pgs. 336 and 337. It was too abrupt.
Besides the point of alternative energy, Is it just me or does Squarzoni really dislikes the Santa Claus. Over the whole book, he kept using Santa as a evil persona of capitalism, but I don’t really get why?
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