BREAKING NEWS! Category 5 Hurricane Hits New York City. Second Hurricane in 3 years.

This section begins with Squarzoni revisiting the events that transpired when hurricane Katrina hit. Its terrifying to imagine what all those people went through, seeing their children and family slowly withering away from malnutrition, sitting outside for days waiting to receive any sort help, turning to violence to survive, people missing and others searching. It just seems horrid and unfortunate that they all had to withstand such a catastrophe, why should someone have to go through so much anguish and tragedy when they have done nothing wrong? When reading this I was thinking how catastrophic it would be if global warming really made these types of events a normal thing. What if a hurricane Katrina type of storm hit us? Grand old NYC crumbled down by the forces of nature, but this time it would of have been something that we most surely brought up on ourselves. I can just imagine people reading in the newspaper headlines BREAKING NEWS! Category 5 Hurricane Hits New York City (again). But at this point what can we say to defend ourselves? We didn’t know? We didn’t think it would be true? Yes we were told countless of time that our actions would have a catastrophic effect on the weather, but we never though we would be personally effected. The forces of nature don’t really seem to care whom you are or what you did, it would tear down a shabby shack as well as a two story mansion, it really does not matter. I certainly hope we can get our act together so this does not become reality.

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