Climate Change means more frequent Hurricanes
The main highlight of this section of the book for me is Hurricane Katrina and the Federal government’s ignorant behavior towards the victims. I didn’t know much about Hurricane Katrina before but after reading this section, I did some research and found out that the Federal response to the Katrina Hurricane stands out as one of the worst man-made disasters of the Bush Presidency. The US federal government did not properly handle Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent aftermath. There were not enough evacuations due to which 1836 people lost their life and many were severely affected in a negative way. This is a huge number of dead people for a first world country like America which is considered a “World Power” and tbh, I couldn’t believe that the drawings showed the real situation of the people in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina because people were shown in vulnerable situation starving to death while carrying their dead loved ones in their hands. On page # 396, one of the drawings shows the picture of a woman crying and her body posture shows as if she is begging for something (probably food for her kids). Right next to this picture is a drawing of Secretary of State Condoleeza who is shown smiling and waving and the caption says that she was busy splurging thousands of dollars in New York while people were suffering through the consequences of hurricane Katrina. I couldn’t believe that US has also such politicians who care about their own luxurious lifestyle and do not take interest in their country’s affairs. The details of Hurricane Katrina was a shocking discovery for me.
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